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Peter Chien

Co-Founder and CEO

Peter is a University of Toronto CCIT and PWC Graduate, 10+ years of experience in the restaurant and hospitality industry. He serves as a worship leader at his church.

#Entrepreneur #Hustler #WeTheNorth #AlwaysBeKind

Fun fact:

1st place and Chess master in middle school. 2nd place in the school's yo-yo contest.

Which website brought you most fun? which I always used to look for good deals and discounts.

Gym for two hours or diet for one day?

Can I settle with gym for 1 hour and then pig out?

What game are you really good at?

Back in the days, Starcraft 1. I had my own clan and was clan leader.

Food Preferences:

Pretty much everything.

Networking Preferences:

Entrepreneurship & Start-ups, Non-profits, Food & Beverages, Entertainment, Sports

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